The past 10-15 years are characterized by major revolutions in imaging both in light- and electron microscopy. Implications are that pathogens, and the way they interact with their host, can now be studied in a direct way.
In this presentation, I will focus on poxviruses, our research topic since many years. I will show how complementary and modern EM techniques have enabled us to demonstrate that they assembly their envelop in an unconventional way. The latter appears to be a hallmark of a family large DNA viruses to which poxviruses belong. The ease with which poxviruses can be genetically manipulated has started to shed light on possible molecules involved. Our preliminary data point to a role for an amazingly small set of viral proteins. Their function, however, may critically depend on specific lipids, previously found enriched in the viral envelop.
I will demonstrate that our ongoing questions related to poxvirus-membrane dynamics has led us to apply and develop cutting-edge EM techniques. For this we heavily relied on (and still rely on) the input of collaborators, talented PhD-students and post-docs. The routines established can then be applied to address other questions related to host-pathogen interactions, at high-resolution, in a quantitative manner.
This conference is open to the general public. However pre-registration is mandatory for non-Pasteurians attendees at least two days prior to the actual conference. Please send an email to SCconferences@pasteur.fr with your name, first name, your institution and how you heard about the conference. We will then acknowledge reception of your message and give you indications to attend the conference. We look forward to welcoming you.
Building: Duclaux
Address: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France