Dr. Corine Richard-Miceli is Professor of rhumatology at Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France. She works at Cochin Hospital, Paris, France. She is the laureate of a contrat d’interface, which allows her to dedicate half of her time to research at Institut Pasteur in the “unité mixte” directed by Lars Rogge (Institut Pasteur) and Maxime Dougados (APHP). She is part of the scientific committee of the Société Française de rhumatologie.
Research themes:
- Genetics of auto-immune and chronic inflammatory diseases
- Functionnal consequences of genetic polymorphisms
- Respective role of innate and adaptatice immunity in rhumatologic diseases
- inhibitors of the Wnt pathway in spondyloarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Prediction of biotherapy’s response for spondyloarthritis
- Mecanisms of ossification in severe forms of spondyloarthritis
- Factor of severity of spondyloarthritis
Watch the Quart d’heure Pasteur médecine on spondyloarthritis (in french)