Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 10940888
Eur. J. Immunol. 2000 Jul;30(7):1988-97
To quantitate the frequency of Valpha/delta gene utilization by TCRgammadelta T cells we have generated a large panel of gammadelta T cell hybridomas and characterized their productive VDJ rearrangements. Using three novel mAb specific for the Vdelta5 chain and for several members of the Vdelta6 subfamily together with previously described Valpha- and Vdelta-specific mAb we have also quantitated the frequency of gammadelta and alphabeta cells expressing those Valpha/delta gene segments and located in different anatomical sites. We have also characterized the members of the Vdelta7/ADV10 subfamily expressed in C57BL/6 mice and analyzed the representation of individual ADV10 gene segments in alphabeta and gammadelta cells, as well as in precursor cells, in a situation in which TCR-dependent selection is negligible. Our results show that (i) although many Valpha/delta gene segments have the potential to rearrange to either Ddelta and Jdelta segments or to Jalpha segments, only a limited number of Valpha/delta gene segments are expressed by a quantitatively important fraction of gammadelta cells; (ii) such restricted usage of a limited number of Vdelta gene segments by gammadelta cells is mainly established at the level of V(D)J rearrangement, and (iii) there is very little overlap between Valpha/delta gene segments expressed by gammadelta and alphabeta cells.