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© Research
Publication : Nature communications

Single-cell analysis of psoriasis resolution demonstrates an inflammatory fibroblast state targeted by IL-23 blockade.

Scientific Fields

Published in Nature communications - 30 Jan 2024

Francis L, McCluskey D, Ganier C, Jiang T, Du-Harpur X, Gabriel J, Dhami P, Kamra Y, Visvanathan S, Barker JN, Smith CH, Capon F, Mahil SK

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 38291032

Link to DOI – 10.1038/s41467-024-44994-w

Nat Commun 2024 Jan; 15(1): 913

Biologic therapies targeting the IL-23/IL-17 axis have transformed the treatment of psoriasis. However, the early mechanisms of action of these drugs remain poorly understood. Here, we perform longitudinal single-cell RNA-sequencing in affected individuals receiving IL-23 inhibitor therapy. By profiling skin at baseline, day 3 and day 14 of treatment, we demonstrate that IL-23 blockade causes marked gene expression shifts, with fibroblast and myeloid populations displaying the most extensive changes at day 3. We also identify a transient WNT5A+/IL24+ fibroblast state, which is only detectable in lesional skin. In-silico and in-vitro studies indicate that signals stemming from these WNT5A+/IL24+ fibroblasts upregulate multiple inflammatory genes in keratinocytes. Importantly, the abundance of WNT5A+/IL24+ fibroblasts is significantly reduced after treatment. This observation is validated in-silico, by deconvolution of multiple transcriptomic datasets, and experimentally, by RNA in-situ hybridization. These findings demonstrate that the evolution of inflammatory fibroblast states is a key feature of resolving psoriasis skin.