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© Emeline Camand
Marquage par immunofluorescence d'astrocytes tumoraux ou astrocytomes (lignée cellulaire humaine U373), montrant en rouge, APC et en vert, la tubuline des microtubules. APC est un supresseur de tumeur qui est impliqué dans la polarisation des astrocytes normaux. La localisation d'APC est altérée dans des lignées de gliomes. Pour essayer de corriger, les dérèglements observés lors de la migration des cellules d'astrocytes tumuraux ou gliomes on cherche à connaitre les mécanismes moléculaires fondamentaux qui controlent la polarisation et la migration cellulaire.
Publication : Molecular oncology

PP2A methylesterase PME-1 suppresses anoikis and is associated with therapy relapse of PTEN-deficient prostate cancers.

Scientific Fields

Published in Molecular oncology - 01 Jun 2023

Aakula A, Isomursu A, Rupp C, Erickson A, Gupta N, Kauko O, Shah P, Padzik A, Pokharel YR, Kaur A, Li SP, Trotman L, Taimen P, Rannikko A, Lammerding J, Paatero I, Mirtti T, Ivaska J, Westermarck J

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 36461911

Link to DOI – 10.1002/1878-0261.13353

Mol Oncol 2023 Jun; 17(6): 1007-1023

While organ-confined prostate cancer (PCa) is mostly therapeutically manageable, metastatic progression of PCa remains an unmet clinical challenge. Resistance to anoikis, a form of cell death initiated by cell detachment from the surrounding extracellular matrix, is one of the cellular processes critical for PCa progression towards aggressive disease. Therefore, further understanding of anoikis regulation in PCa might provide therapeutic opportunities. Here, we discover that PCa tumours with concomitant inhibition of two tumour suppressor phosphatases, PP2A and PTEN, are particularly aggressive, having < 50% 5-year secondary-therapy-free patient survival. Functionally, overexpression of PME-1, a methylesterase for the catalytic PP2A-C subunit, inhibits anoikis in PTEN-deficient PCa cells. In vivo, PME-1 inhibition increased apoptosis in in ovo PCa tumour xenografts, and attenuated PCa cell survival in zebrafish circulation. Molecularly, PME-1-deficient PC3 cells display increased trimethylation at lysines 9 and 27 of histone H3 (H3K9me3 and H3K27me3), a phenotype known to correlate with increased apoptosis sensitivity. In summary, our results demonstrate that PME-1 supports anoikis resistance in PTEN-deficient PCa cells. Clinically, these results identify PME-1 as a candidate biomarker for a subset of particularly aggressive PTEN-deficient PCa.