Cecilia Pires de Oliveira Capela
InBio: Méthodes expérimentales et computationnelles pour la modélisation des processus cellulaires
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Rita Azevedo joined as a research engineer in 2022 at Matondo’s Proteomics Platform, Mass Spectrometry for Biology (Utechs, MSBio), Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. She is involved in a conjunct project between Institut Pasteur and […]
Minh-Ha Nguyen is a research engineer at the NMR and HDX-MS platform of the Institut Pasteur. She earned her PhD in Biochemistry in 2019, specializing in protein solution NMR, at the lab of Olivier […]
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I am a PhD student at the Institut Pasteur and New England Biolabs. I study the molecular specificities of the family-D DNA polymerase using high resolution Cryo-electron microscopy and molecular biology tools.
Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en EN.