Lien vers Pubmed [PMID] – 10653919
Virus Res. 2000 Jan;66(1):79-85
Until now, the only published ovine adenovirus DNA sequence was the complete genome of ovine adenovirus isolate 287 (OAV287) which, compared to other mammalian adenoviruses, possesses strikingly unique genomic organisation and should properly be classified into a new adenovirus genus. The protease gene sequence of ovine adenovirus type 3 (OAdV-3) was determined and analysed. The results of phylogenetic analysis of the 205 residue long protein demonstrated that OAdV-3 belongs to the genus Mastadenovirus, and is surprisingly closely related to bovine adenovirus type 2. In spite of the common host origin, the evolutionary distance between OAdV-3 and OAV287 proved to be great suggesting that sheep, similarly to cattle and fowl, might be infected by distantly related adenoviruses belonging to different genera.