We use in vitro and in vivo models of polymicrobial communities in order to better understand the molecular events underlying colonization resistance and pathogen exclusion by commensal bacteria
Articles on this topic
David Pérez-Pascual, Sol Vendrell-Fernandez, Bianca Audrain, Joaquin Bernal-Bayard, Vincent Petit; Dimitri Rigaudeau and Jean-Marc Ghigo. Gnotobiotic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) model reveals endogenous bacteria that protect against Flavobacterium columnare infection. Submitted Available at: https://biorxiv.org/cgi/content/short/2020.06.19.161471v1
• Stressmann F*, Bernal-Bayard J*, Pérez-Pascual D, Audrain B, Rendueles O, Briolat V, Bruchmann S, Volant S, Ghozlane A, Haussler S, Duchaud E, Levraud JP, Ghigo JM (2020) Mining zebrafish microbiota reveals key community-level resistance against fish pathogen infection. The ISME Journal, in press. (*co-first authors)
• Da Re, S., J. Valle, N. Charbonnel, C. Beloin, P. Latour-Lambert, P. Faure, E. Turlin, C. Le Bouguenec, G. Renauld –Mongénie, C. Forestier, and J.M. Ghigo. (2013). Identification of commensal Escherichia coli genes involved in biofilm resistance to pathogen colonization.PLoS OneMay 7;8(5):e61628. doi: 10.1371.
• Rendueles* , O., L. Ferrieres* , M. Fretaud* , E. Begaud, P. Herbomel, J.P. Levraud, and J.M. Ghigo. (2012). A new zebrafish model of oro-intestinal pathogen colonization reveals a key role for adhesion in protection by probiotic bacteria. PLoS Pathogens Jul. 8(7):e1002815. * Equal contribution
Reviews on this topic
Rendueles, O. and J.M. Ghigo. (2015). Mechanisms of competition in biofilm communities In Microbial Biofilms, second edition