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AI in Neurosciences hands-on workshop
This workshop provides training in modelling and model-driven analysis of neuroscience experimental data. We will cover fundamental principles of neural data analysis, behaviour video data and show recent progress in these approaches. The workshop […]
2025-12-03 09:00:00
2025-12-03 17:00:00
AI in Neurosciences hands-on workshop
This workshop provides training in modelling and model-driven analysis of neuroscience experimental data. We will cover fundamental principles of neural data analysis, behaviour video data and show recent progress in these approaches. The workshop […]
Pasteur Institute, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
AI in Structural Biology hands-on workshop
This workshop provides training in AI-driven structure prediction from sequence and cutting-edge protein design techniques. It covers both fundamental and advanced methods, offering a solid foundation for applying these tools effectively and for critically […]
2025-11-13 09:00:00
2025-11-13 17:00:00
AI in Structural Biology hands-on workshop
This workshop provides training in AI-driven structure prediction from sequence and cutting-edge protein design techniques. It covers both fundamental and advanced methods, offering a solid foundation for applying these tools effectively and for critically […]
Pasteur Institute, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
AI in Genomics hands-on workshop
This workshop explores the application of AI in genomics, focusing on advanced tools and models. Participants will learn to use Large Language Models (LLM) to detect mobile genetic elements in bacterial genomes using curated […]
2025-10-30 09:00:00
2025-10-30 17:00:00
AI in Genomics hands-on workshop
This workshop explores the application of AI in genomics, focusing on advanced tools and models. Participants will learn to use Large Language Models (LLM) to detect mobile genetic elements in bacterial genomes using curated […]
Pasteur Institute, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
AI for Life Sciences Theoretical Workshop for Pasteur PhD students
In 2024, at the request of Yasmine Belkaid, General Director of the Institut Pasteur, a Theoretical Workshop is offered to all Pasteur PhD candidates to strengthen research capabilities in areas such as image processing, […]
2025-03-17 09:00:00
2025-03-19 12:15:00
AI for Life Sciences Theoretical Workshop for Pasteur PhD students
In 2024, at the request of Yasmine Belkaid, General Director of the Institut Pasteur, a Theoretical Workshop is offered to all Pasteur PhD candidates to strengthen research capabilities in areas such as image processing, […]
Pasteur Institute, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Projets Transversaux
Academic positions:
- From 2023 : G5 junior group leader, Institut Pasteur, Paris
- From 2021: Chair position, Institut Prairie, Paris
- 2019: Visiting researcher, MIT CSAIL department, Cambridge, US (head: Manolis Kellis)
- From 2018: CNRS tenured researcher (Chargé de Recherche)
- 2024: CNRS bronze medal
- 2022: prix Paoletti
- 2020: Sanofi iTech Awards
- 2018: L’Oreal-UNESCO Fellowship for women in science
- 2024: ERC StG Multiview-CELL
- 2024: PEPR CELL-ID
- 2024: PEPR Santé Numerique
- 2022: ITMO-MIIC APL-EpiNet
- 2020: ANR JCJC scMOmix
- 2016-2018: Postdoctoral fellow, Institut Curie, Paris (head: Emmanuel Barillot)
- 2014-2015: Visiting Ph.D student, Aalto university, Helsinki, Finland (head: Santo Fortunato)
- 2013-2015: Ph.D student, University of Turin, Italy (head: Michele Caselle, Enzo Medico)
2024scConfluence: single-cell diagonal integration with regularized Inverse Optimal Transport on weakly connected features., Nat Commun 2024 Sep; 15(1): 7762.
2024Molecular mechanisms reconstruction from single-cell multi-omics data with HuMMuS., Bioinformatics 2024 Mar; (): .
2023Paired single-cell multi-omics data integration with Mowgli., Nat Commun 2023 Nov; 14(1): 7711.
2022Optimal Transport improves cell-cell similarity inference in single-cell omics data., Bioinformatics 2022 Feb; 38(8): 2169-77.
2021Benchmarking joint multi-omics dimensionality reduction approaches for the study of cancer., Nat Commun 2021 Jan; 12(1): 124.
2021Evaluating the Reproducibility of Single-Cell Gene Regulatory Network Inference Algorithms., Front Genet 2021 ; 12(): 617282.
2020An Integrated Analysis of miRNA and Gene Expression Changes in Response to an Obesogenic Diet to Explore the Impact of Transgenerational Supplementation with Omega 3 Fatty Acids., Nutrients 2020 Dec; 12(12): .
2020Collective intelligence defines biological functions in Wikipedia as communities in the hidden protein connection network., PLoS Comput Biol 2020 Feb; 16(2): e1007652.
2020Interpreting pathways to discover cancer driver genes with Moonlight., Nat Commun 2020 Jan; 11(1): 69.
2019Investigating the epi-miRNome: identification of epi-miRNAs using transfection experiments., Epigenomics 2019 Nov; 11(14): 1581-1599.
+Voir la liste complète de publications