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2024Anti-PD-1 therapy triggers Tfh cell-dependent IL-4 release to boost CD8 T cell responses in tumor-draining lymph nodes., J Exp Med 2024 Apr; 221(4): .
2023Tumor-intrinsic sensitivity to the pro-apoptotic effects of IFN-γ is a major determinant of CD4+ CAR T-cell antitumor activity., Nat Cancer 2023 Jul; 4(7): 968-983.
2023Integration of intermittent calcium signals in T cells revealed by temporally patterned optogenetics., iScience 2023 Feb; 26(2): 106068.
2022SPICE-Met: profiling and imaging energy metabolism at the single-cell level using a fluorescent reporter mouse., EMBO J 2022 Aug; (): e111528.
2022Spatiotemporal dynamics of calcium signals during neutrophil cluster formation., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 Jul; 119(29): e2203855119.
2021Quorum sensing governs collective dendritic cell activation in vivo., EMBO J 2021 Jun; (): e107176.
2021Functional heterogeneity of cytotoxic T cells and tumor resistance to cytotoxic hits limit anti-tumor activity in vivo., EMBO J 2021 Apr; (): e106658.
2021A cross-talk between CAR T cell subsets and the tumor microenvironment is essential for sustained cytotoxic activity., Sci Immunol 2021 Mar; 6(57): .
2021Imaging the mechanisms of anti-CD20 therapy in vivo uncovers spatiotemporal bottlenecks in antibody-dependent phagocytosis., Sci Adv 2021 Feb; 7(8): .
2020Bystander IFN-γ activity promotes widespread and sustained cytokine signaling altering the tumor microenvironment, Nature Cancer 2020 Mar 1(3):302-314.
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