“Using tubulin cofactor C-like domains in unexpected ways to build a parasite”
Paul McKEAN – Biomedical and Life Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medicine, Lancaster University (Lancaster – Royaume Uni) My laboratory is studying cellular morphogenesis and flagellum assembly in the parasitic protist Trypanosoma brucei. My […]
“Parasitology in the 21st century”
Keynote speakers: Carolina V. Barillas-Mury & Piet Borst Speakers: Cyrille Botté, Markus Engstler, Richard Grencis, Michael Grigg, Mohamed-Ali Hakimi, Cynthia He, Matthew Higgins, David Horn, Patricia Johnson, Shaden Kamhawi, Hugo Lujan, Julius Lukes, Geoff […]
Histology informatics: dissecting breast tumour spatial and molecular heterogeneity
Jeudi 8 octobre 2015 à 11 H 00 Salle Jean-Paul Aubert, rdc bâtiment Fernbach « Histology informatics: dissecting breast tumour spatial and molecular heterogeneity» Yinyin YUAN Centre for Evolution and Cancer, The Institute of Cancer Research, […]
Retreat of the Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Department
The Departmental Retreat is held this year in Branville from Monday 12th October to Wednesday 14th October.We have done our best to offer you an exciting scientific program during the 2015 session.33 talks and […]
Educational Flow Cytometry Seminar
New Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ Reagents for Flow Cytometry This seminar will present a variety of flow cytometryapplications, including:• Viability and apoptosis• Proliferation and cell tracing• Mouse & human immunophenotyping• No-lyse, no-wash blood applications using […]
CRISPR at Pasteur – Internal seminar
Citech is organizing an internal seminar to gather researchers of Institut Pasteur working on the CRISPR system, or using CRISPR as a genome editing tool. We also need to hear you express your expectations […]
“Decoding toxin-parasite interactions in Trypanosomatids”
Sam ALSFORD – London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (Londres – Royaume Uni) The development of high-throughput RNA interference screening technology in the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei has enabled us to identify many […]
Milieu Intérieur speed-dating symposium
Speakers will have 5 mins and 3 slides to explain their contribution to the Milieu Intérieur Project.
Milieu Intérieur seminar
Olivier DELANEAU (University of Geneva) ” Architecture and genetic control of chromatin in humans”
Milieu Intérieur seminar
Ludovic ORLANDO (Copenhagen University) “Traveling the past in ancient DNA time capsules”
Workshop on protein-protein interactions: from low to high-throughput investigations
In association with PerkinElmer, a workshop on protein-protein interactions will take place on Thursday November 5th 2015 at the Institut Pasteur to familiarize yourself with the AlphaScreen technology. This workshop is complementary to the […]
EMBO/FEBS Summer School ‘The New Microbiology’
Spetses Summer courses are well known for covering various specialized topics within the general fields of molecular and cell biology and also microbiology. This latter field has witnessed a real renaissance in the last […]
13 minutes médecine
Stéatohépatite non alcoolique – Lawrence Serfaty (Hôpital Saint Antoine) Dyslipidémie et risque cardiaque – Philippe Giral (Hôpital Pitié Salpêtriere)
EMBO Conference ‘International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis’
The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is responsible for severe food-borne infections that primarily affect immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, newborns and the elderly. Mortality due to listeriosis is close to 30%. Contamination by this microorganism leads […]
2nd Edition of the Workshop Recent computational advances in metagenomics (RCAM’15)
This workshop aims at promoting discussions and collaborations between biologists (modelers), computer scientists and applied-mathematicians involved in metagenomics and/or metatranscriptomics studies, either in the bioinformatics or statistical aspects of such analysis. CONFIRMED SPEAKERS——————Christopher Quince, […]