
Free event with mandatory registration. Register here
Organisers: Benjamin Bardiaux & Max Bonomi, Department of Structural Biology and Chemistry, Institut Pasteur, Paris.
13h10: Reception of participants
Session 1
13h30 – 14h10: Jessica Andreani (CEA, Saclay): “Predicting macromolecular interaction networks in the light of evolution”
14h10 – 14h50: Guillaume Bouvier (Institut Pasteur, Paris) “Decoding the protein puzzle: AI’s developments in predicting stability and interactions”
14h50 – 15h10: Horacio Guzman (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) “Unraveling RNA Structure with Multiscale Modeling”
15h10 – 15h40: Coffee Break
Session 2
15h40 – 16h20: Simona Cocco (CNRS, ENS-Ulm, Paris) “Shallow generative models for RNA riboswitches”
16h20 – 16h40: Bogdan Ciambur (Institut Pasteur, Paris) “Virtual screening on the billion scale with Active Learning”
16h40 – 17h20: Alessandra Carbone (Sorbonne Université, Paris) “Decoding protein interactions and mutational landscapes with deep learning based on sequences”
17h20 – 18h00: Sergei Grudinin (CNRS, Grenoble) “Toward predicting continuous conformational heterogeneity”
18h00: Cocktail