Interested in learning python for your image analysis needs? Want to understand how Jupyter notebooks can make your analysis workflows easier?
The upcoming distributed “Image analysis with Python” beginners course is your chance. The course will take place October 7th-9th 2024 and as a distributed course will be held in-person in several locations with a joint training program and common lectures and in-person hands-on support.
Some information here: https://www.eurobioimaging.eu/news/distributed-training-course-intro-to-bioimage-analysis-with-python-for-life-scientists/
The course will be held on location across different Euro-BioImaging Nodes at the following locations:
- University of Gothenburg, Sweden – NMI Sweden Node
- Institut Pasteur, Paris, France – France BioImaging Node
- Gulbenkian Institute of Molecular Medicine (GIMM), Oeiras, Portugal – PPBI Node
This course is organised by Rafael Camacho, CCI University of Gothenburg, Jean-Yves Tinevez, Institut Pasteur, and Gaby G. Martins, GIMM, with support from the Euro-BioImaging team as part of the eRImote project.
Prerequisites for participation
- Working with biological imaging techniques and having a clear image analysis question. You have to submit a 1 pdf page + 1 png image explaining your image analysis problem and what analysis you have tried already (if anything).
- Basic knowledge of ImageJ (opening datasets, basic processing techniques & particle analysis).
- Students must be able to attend the whole 3-day course.
- Please bring a laptop with minimum 8GB RAM, Wifi or Ethernet, at least 14-16” screen + mouse (not just mousepad) for the course
What’s included in the course?
Tentative program
Day 1 – October 7th
Intro to Jupyter notebooks and python, introduction to loading images and microscopy metadata, basics of visualisation
Day 2 – October 8th
Practical image processing with Python: segmentation, denoising, morphology and automation of analysis pipelines
Day 3 – October 9th
Novel strategies for segmentation: Machine learning + use of pre-trained models from the Bioimage Model Zoo.
How to apply for a travel grant to the closest venue?
4 fellowships (up to 500 Euro each) for travel and accommodation available per site. Please submit a short application here.
Registration is open until September 18th
The course will implement a joint virtual platform for all attendees at all sites, ensuring everyone has access to the same environment for their analysis and learning. This virtual platform is the BAND remote desktop, developed as part of the Euro-BioImaging involvement in the EOSC-Life project by Jean-Karim Heriche and Yi Sun from EMBL [link]. This training event also benefits from the EGI Training Infrastructure service supported by national resource providers in the EGI Federation. In particular, CESNET is providing the computational resources and support to host BAND for this training event