Flow cytometry/cell sorting [187]

Immune responses following transplantation
Philippe Bousso

Milena Hasan
UTechS Single Cell Biomarkers
Milena Hasan earned her Ph.D. from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, for her work on mechanisms employed by MCMV to evade NK cell surveillance, in the group of Prof. Stipan Jonjic at the University […]

Bruno Charbit
Group : Milieu Intérieur

Sandrine Schmutz
Flow Cytometry Platform

Sophie Novault
Flow Cytometry Platform
Sophie NOVAULT has over 15 years of experience in flow cytometry and cell sorting. She joined Institut Pasteur in January 2014 as the Head of the flow cytometry platform, following 10 years running the […]

Hélène Kiefer-Biasizzo

Catherine Ottone
Investigation and volunteers for human health

Aurélie Claës

Olivier Leclercq
Signalling and host-parasite interactions
Olivier Leclercq started his career at the Institut Pasteur in 2005 working on mutation phenomena during somatic hypermutation in the unit of Biochemistry and Genetics of Development, headed by Pr F. Rougeon. In 2009, […]

Laura Piel
Molecular Parasitology and Signaling
Laura Piel is a PhD student that has started her scientific career with a master internship in Gerald Späth’s unit of Molecular Parasitology and Signalling working on the characterization of leishmanicidal activity of new […]

Daniel Scott-Algara

Elisabeth Menu
Center for Immunology of Viral Infections, Autoimmune, Haematological and bacterial diseases (ImVA-HB) CEA/DRF/Jacob/IDMIT, Université Paris-Saclay, INSERM U1184 Bâtiment 62-3ème étage 18 route du Panorama 92265 Fontenay-aux-Roses ET Institut Pasteur Département de Virologie Groupe MISTIC

Marine Oberkampf De Dabrun
Immunobiology and Therapy

Aurore Vidy-Roche
Viral physiopatholgy

Patricia Jeannin
Group: Cell Biology and Viral Infection
Patricia Jeannin is graduated in virology (Master of science in medical virology) She work in Pasteur Institute since 2003. Patricia Jeannin takes part to the diagnostic of flu viruses in influenza CNR (Immunology : ELISA… […]