Bayesian statistics [34]
Max Bonomi
Max Bonomi
Computational Structural Biology
I am a CNRS researcher and group leader of the “Integrative structural biology of dynamic systems” team in the “Structural Bioinformatics Unit”. For more information about my research, please visit the page of my […]
Expertise group : Stats
Pascal Campagne
Pascal Campagne
Expertise group : Stats
Initially trained in evolutionary and environmental sciences, I studied population genetics and micro-evolutionary processes in a number of postdoctoral research projects. I recently joined the C3BI-Hub at the Institut Pasteur, where I work on […]
Integrative Modelling Platform
Riccardo Pellarin
Virgile Andreani
Physicist and computer scientist by training, I develop quantitative population models of antibiotic resistance, which I calibrate using optimal experimental design. I then exploit them to engineer optimal treatment strategies.
Jakob Ruess
Originally trained as a mathematician (probability theory and statistics), I moved on to do my PhD in a control engineering institute with John Lygeros at ETH Zurich. I graduated receiving the ETH Medal and […]
Christian L. Vestergaard
Decision and Bayesian Computation – Epiméthée
I am a statistical physicist and biophysicist with a main interest in data-driven modeling and in developing methods for the analysis of complex dynamical systems. The focus of my research has been on time-varying […]
François Laurent
Decision and Bayesian Computation – Epiméthée
Biomolecule random walk analysis I am in charge of developping the TRamWAy Python library for random walk analysis. The library features multiple tools to build processing chains/pipelines for the spatial or spatio-temporal resolution of […]
INCEPTION – Institut Convergence for the study of Emergence of Pathology Through Individuals and Populations
IINCEPTION Goal The Inception aims to develop a core structure to mobilize data resources, numerical sciences, and fundamental experimental biology in various health issues (Official website here: https://www.inception-program.fr/en). The inception program uses Integrative Biology, […]
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Marie-Agnès Dillies • Hervé Menager
Stevenn Volant
Expertise group : Stats
After a diploma of statistician engineer from the Ensai (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information) and a Ph.D in applied mathematics in the Statistics & Genome lab (AgroParisTech), I worked as a developer […]
Lulla Opatowski
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Lulla Opatowski is professor in Mathematical Epidemiology (University of Versailles Saint Quentin – UVSQ). My main research interests are in mathematical modelling of infectious disease and statistical inference, with a particular interest in bacterial […]
Mathematical Modelling Of Infectious Diseases
Simon Cauchemez
Laurence Watier
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Laurence Watier MSc, PhD, HDR is a researcher at Inserm. Her areas of expertise include biostatistics with respect to Bayesian methods, mixed models and time series analysis; epidemiology; public health and the use of […]