Non human primates [17]

Comparative Functional Genomics
Camille Berthelot

Camille Berthelot
Comparative Functional Genomics
Camille Berthelot wants to understand how changes in gene expression and gene regulation can result in the acquisition of new traits and diseases along evolution. During her PhD at ENS Paris, she examined the […]

UMR3525 CNRS/Institut Pasteur – Genetics of genomes
Eduardo Rocha

Dorian Obino
Pathogenesis of vascular infections
Born and raised in the south of France, I moved to Paris to study at the Magistère Européen de Génétique (Université Paris VII, now Université Paris Cité) where I specialized in immuno-genetics and cell biology. […]

Guilherme Dias de Melo
Trypanosomatids Infectious Processes
Guilherme Dias de Melo is veterinarian. He obtained his degree in Veterinary Medicine (december 2010), his MD in Veterinary Sciences (june 2012) and his PhD in Veterinary Sciences (june 2015) at the Sao Paulo […]

Elisabeth Menu

Jean-Nicolas Tournier

Elisabeth Menu
Center for Immunology of Viral Infections, Autoimmune, Haematological and bacterial diseases (ImVA-HB) CEA/DRF/Jacob/IDMIT, Université Paris-Saclay, INSERM U1184 Bâtiment 62-3ème étage 18 route du Panorama 92265 Fontenay-aux-Roses ET Institut Pasteur Département de Virologie Groupe MISTIC

Françoise Barre-Sinoussi
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2008 Member of the National Academy of Science, France Member of the National Academy of Medicine, USA Françoise BARRÉ-SINOUSSI, PhD, has been involved in retrovirology research, […]

Mathieu Mateo
Biology of Viral Emerging Infections
Focus on hemorrhagic fever viruses, host/pathogen interactions, viral countermeasures, vaccines

Pierre Charneau
Institut Pasteur-TheraVectys Joint Laboratory

Jean-Christophe Barale
Biology of Malaria targets and Antimalarials

Michaela Muller-Trutwin
HIV, Inflammation and Viral Persistences
Michaela Müller-Trutwin is Professor at Institut Pasteur and the head of the “HIV, Inflammation and Persistence” Unit. She studied Biology at the University in Bonn, Germany and Frankfurt, Germany. She obtained her PhD from […]

Béatrice Jacquelin
HIV, Inflammation and Viral Persistences
Beatrice Jacquelin joined Michaela Müller-Trutwin’s group at Institut Pasteur as a research engineer in 2004. Throughout the years of her graduate (1998-2001) and postdoctoral (2002-2004) training that she performed at The Scripps Research Institute […]

Aziz El Amraoui
Progressive Sensory Disorders, PathoPhysiology and Therapy
After a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Lyon-I in 1995, Dr Aziz El-Amraoui joined the Institut Pasteur (Paris) where resorting to dozen identified deafness genes as entry points has enabled him to […]