Until now, the principles of human early pregnancy have been largely inaccessible. Recently, we have promoted the self-organization of stem cells into models of mouse and then human blastocysts (early-stage embryos), which we have named blastoids (Nature 2018, Nature 2021, Cell 2023). Blastoids are morphologically and transcriptionally similar to the blastocyst and contain analogues of all three cell types that eventually develop into the full organism (embryonic & extraembryonic). We have now established (unpublished) that the combination of human blastoids and endometrial organoids along with deep learning models of gene regulation allows us to understand previously inaccessible evolutionary aspects underlying the constraints and vulnerabilities in the establishment of the human embryo-maternal interface. Over the next decade, modelling early pregnancy in the dish will allow us to discover further genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying these human traits, how they have evolved, and how they can be modulated to improve reproductive health and understand the prenatal origins of health and disease.
The speaker, Nicolas Rivron, is invited by Laure Bally-Cuif and Philippe Sansonetti as part of joint seminars organized by the Department of Developmental and Stem Cells Biology and the Cross-disciplinary Research Program in Maternal and Child Health.
Interested scientists who would like to discuss with the speaker can contact Hafida.fsihi@pasteur.fr to arrange a meeting.
Building: François Jacob auditorium
Address: 28 Rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 Paris, France