Bioengineering [40]
Sebastián Sosa Carrillo
I am a PhD candidate at the InBio research group. In 2015 I obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology at the University of València (Spain), and in 2018 a master (M1 and M2) degree […]
InBio: Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
Grégory Batt
Grégory Batt
InBio: Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
I’m a computational biologist passionate about understanding how biological systems function at the molecular level. Making sense of our necessarily fragmented observations of the extremely complex systems that cells are is one of the […]
Dorian Obino
Pathogenesis of vascular infections
Born and raised in the south of France, I moved to Paris to study at the Magistère Européen de Génétique (Université Paris VII, now Université Paris Cité) where I specialized in immuno-genetics and cell biology. […]
Advanced 3D Cell Culture Systems
We provide a library of 3D cell culture scaffolds with tunable biophysical and biochemical properties.
Biomaterials and Microfluidics
Samy Gobaa
Raphaël Etournay
Cochlear development and therapeutic perspectives
My undergraduate education in both biology and applied physics naturally aroused my scientific interest in biological questions at the interface of physics and biology. For example, understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms driving tissue […]
Design and optimization of new bioluminescent systems better-suited to in cellulo and in vivo conditions
Cyanobacterial bioactive compounds
Muriel Gugger
LabEx IBEID – Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases
Presentation The aim of the Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IBEID) project, coordinated by Professors Philippe Sansonetti and Pascale Cossart and currently coordinated by Carla Saleh and Philippe Bastin, is to develop a […]
Fabrice de Chaumont
Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions
Academic background During his PhD in robotics (Amiens, Berck), FdC conceived an autonomous robot designed to help disabled people, and especially paraplegics. The robot used omnidirectional vision sensor to SLAM and navigated automatically in […]
Hiroshi Sakamoto
Collection of Cyanobacteria
Hiroshi Sakamoto joined the Pasteur Institute in 1984 right after his PhD defense in Microbiology. The first half of his career was dedicated to academic research in the field of bacterial pathogens, as well […]
Chetan Aditya
Malaria Infection & Immunity
I am an interdisciplinary researcher currently working between INRIA- Paris and Institut Pasteur at the interface of Computational, Systems and Synthetic Biology with Control Theory, a field that has been penned as Cybergenetics. My […]
Elodie Brient-Litzler
François Déjardin
Production and Purification of Recombinant Proteins Technological Platform
After obtained my BTS in biotechnology in 2007, I received my Master degree in molecular biology and biochemistry from the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France) in 2012. Then I joined the Institut Pasteur as […]